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Risky routes: the world’s oil chokepoints

Risky routes: the world’s oil chokepoints

“Risky Routes: Energy Transit in the Middle East,” by Robin Mills, published by Brookings, April 2016, charts the spectrum of risk from temporary diminution of supply to major disruptions from the closing of key chokepoints. I wrote a summary review and 2-part interview with Robin.

Transportation plan for Cook County

Cook County led the way in planning and building the expressways that now run through the heart of the city. I reported on the county's first comprehensive transportation plan since 1940, writing for BuiltWorlds. The new plan is about walking and bicycling and simply trying to hold the huge system together. How times have changed.  



I have enjoyed travelling in the Caucasus region and sometimes visiting the city of Baku. I met two planners there who helped me to see the rich historic layers of the city, in Baku at a Crossroads for Planning magazine.

Frontier of form-based codes

Planning codes are interesting when applied in regional schemes, so I wrote this article for the APA Regional newsletter, Frontier of form-based codes. Whether the 'floating zone' towns and villages ever get built as planned is another story.

Let It Flow

My first published article was about the Coffee Creek conservation development in Indiana. I was a new staff planner at NIPC learning about the rising practice of suburban conservation design. I became fascinated with the concept of the “culture of water,” as friend and planner Jim Patchett puts it. ULI kindly published a feature length piece.

A hitch in the plan

A hitch in the plan

his guest essay appeared in Illinois Issues in 2006, shortly after the consolidation of the two regional agencies in Chicago. I argued that the underlying division remained and that regional planning would not become truly effective until there was internal unification of the whole agency under one board as ‘metropolitan planning organization’.

Thoughts on farmland

I was a young staff planner at NIPC working on the regional plan when, in winter 2003, I went up to McHenry County and asked the Farm Bureau to put a public meeting together to talk about farmland. We assembled a large group for that meeting, which occurred on a really cold night in early February. The Bureau helped me bring out some farmers, while some real estate people also showed up apparently to defend their interests. A farmer there of long standing in the county, I can't recall his name, expressed a sense of care for the land, although...

Local and sacred

Local and sacred

In late 2004 I received a Journalism Fellowship from the German Marshall Fund. Due to work responsibilities, however, I couldn’t leave until a couple years later…

The Polish pâtisserie

The Polish pâtisserie

I met Dobra Bielinski in a history colloquium at UIC and saw she is a person of many talents. After graduate history studies she opened a bakery, my now favorite confectionery Delightful Pastries on W. Lawrence Ave…



Beyond Burnham Cover

now available on Amazon